Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Heart Travel Official Pictures !

Folks there finally in ! I know it was nearly a month ago I promised these pictures would be taken but thanks to some non compliant weather, laziness, and procrastination they have been sitting in my head for the last month or so ! Well wait no longer they are now here !

I chose a spot here in providence they call "The View" it's located near Brown University, its a small little park with a beautiful view of downtown providence. I enlisted the help of my friend Jeff( who has an amazing camera!)...The first pics will be a little more professional/official looking then pictures in the future for two reasons.

1. I want them to be less setup, and more taken while enjoying whatever location I find myself in.

2. Camera's of this caliber are expensive ! So my little handheld will do for now ! ( love you Lumix)!



  1. Thank you Traci ! Also thanks for following....and your the first to comment on my posts!!!

