Wednesday, August 31, 2011

- -LIFE - -

All of us are living it, all of us are different, but in more ways than one we are very similar.
A big idea/ belief of mine is to live life. This life is a short one so I like to believe it should be enjoyed in whatever way you see fit. I recently came across a documentary not pushing an agenda, not trying to prove a point. This documentary was about life.  It's sole purpose would be to  document what we already do, to take one single day in life and showcase what we are all doing across the world. It would be made by you and submitted via YouTube. I recently watched this film and it is a powerful one. To see an intimate look of people at one single point in time and see it play out before your eyes is amazing. You begin to see how very similar we feel, we act, we do.

As I stated with the intent of this blog was to show life, travel, and inspiration. I could not go without expressing and sharing this film with the people who read my life. So if you can get access to this film watch may notice that what we do to divide ourselves...amounts to nothing because we are more similar than any one of us could imagine !

Youtube has now officially released the whole movie for free! Please Please give this movie a watch

Life in a Day

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